
questions have been answered since Linda Jean became a member of the family. More and more people are learning about her, and it is a real pleasure to Isee her eyes sparkle and the flush of pleasure on her cheeks when someone compliments her on her appearance and dress. The pleasure is two-fold when she is wearing something she has made herself. She's quite proud of her ability

as a seamstress.

To those who may think, from the statements I have made, that it has been easy for us, I must say that in some ways it has not. My husband used to be irritable and nervous and at times I had to bear the brunt of his anger. He always apologized afterward and I could under- stand his reasons for being upset but it hurt nevertheless. I thought many times that if he did not change I could not go on living with him. We have Linda to thank for giving him a new outlook on life. And now he understands better than most husbands the reasons behind feminine behavior. In my opinion transvestism has been a Godsend for us. And one of the most surprising aspects of it has been in the field of public relations. Linda used to feel she'd be persecuted by anyone who found out about her, But she began telling about herself and those she told were only concerned that others would misunderstand.

I don't know that what I have said here will be of any help but I sincerely hope it will. There is enough misunderstanding in the world and it would make me quite happy to think that my statements have helped someone to peace of mind. There are people in this world who care. It's up to each of us to find them. To those who fear the unknown, all I can say is take courage and face it. You may like what you find. And to other wives may I say that you can't realize how much more your feminine life can mean to you if you are willing to share it with your husband. His feminine self is prob- ably a sweet, gentle person you'd be proud to know. I



Linda Jean's wife, Juanita